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Every kid should have the opportunity to play sport!

KidSport and JumpStart both provide grants to kids from families facing financial barriers so they can participate in registered sport programs and experience the lifelong benefits of a season of sport. They can also help out with equipment costs (i.e. cleats, shin guards, etc.).

High River Soccer works with both of these programs to help give all kiddos access to soccer. Follow these steps to apply for grants:

  1. For both grant programs you need to have applied for a sport program before applying for grants. To do this, you will need to register your child(ren) in one of our programs. Reach out to for a dedicated registration link for grant users. Please include your child's first and last name in the email so we can match up the grant to the correct player.
  2. Once you have registered, you will apply to the grant program of your choice (click on links below).
  3. Once you have been approved for a grant, KidSport or JumpStart will contact High River Soccer and send us the funds.
  4. Once we receive the funds we will process the payment on the back end. 
  5. You are ready to hit the pitch! 

Click below for KidSport

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Click below for Jump Start

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